Industry leading triboelectric properties offer special advantages to toner manufacturers

Despite the ubiquity of digital texts and images, being able to efficiently reproduce these on paper and other substrates still has enormous relevance in today’s world – be it in publishing, packaging and advertising, or when making simple printouts at the office. Heubach colorants for toner are characterized with respect to their triboelectric properties and offer special advantages to toner manufacturers.
Toner Pigments
- Good dispersibility
- Compatibility in toner resins
- High transparency
- Specified and monitored triboelectric properties
Product Family
Toner Yellow 5GXTToner Yellow 3GPToner Yellow HGToner Magenta E02Toner Magenta EPV Fast Yellow H9GHostaperm Yellow H6G for PrintingPV Fast Yellow HG 01Novoperm Yellow P-HGNovoperm Yellow FGL for Paints and CoatingsGraphtol Yellow GGInk Jet Yellow 5GX-WInk Jet Yellow 5GSNovoperm Yellow P-M3RGraphtol Orange RLPV Fast Red D3GGraphtol Carmine HF4CPermanent Carmine FBB 02Permanent Rubine F6BInk Jet Magenta E5B 02PV Fast Pink E 01Hostaperm Violet P-RLHostaperm Blue B2G 03PV Fast Blue BG-NIPHostaperm Green GNX-C
Toner Charge Control Agents (CCA)
- good dispersibility
- quick charge-up
- adjusted tribo level
- long-term chargeability
- multi-purpose CCAs for colored and black