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CSR at Heubach India

The only way to ensure our commercial success over the long term is by adopting a sustainable approach in dealing with the requirements and needs of our stakeholders and the environment. Recent CSR News As a manufacturer of chemical raw materials, we cannot completely avoid environmental impacts, as our company uses up resources, and the […]

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The only way to ensure our commercial success over the long term is by adopting a sustainable approach in dealing with the requirements and needs of our stakeholders and the environment.

Recent CSR News

As a manufacturer of chemical raw materials, we cannot completely avoid environmental impacts, as our company uses up resources, and the production process produces emis­sions, wastewater, and waste. However, we can continuously minimize the risk of polluting factors and thereby ensure that we take careful, responsible action with respect to the environment.

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Blood Donation Camp

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Donation: Ventilator – Jayaben Modi Hospital

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Green Belt Development

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School Transporation Services

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Health Awareness Programs For Community

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Women Empowerment Program

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Periodical Education at Saragnpur School

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Periodical Computer Education at Saragnpur

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Malnutrition “Healthy habits”

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Promotion to Women Empowerment

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Winter care programe at Saragnpur School


CSR annual action plan 2021/2022

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Latest CSR Policy

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CSR Commitee

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