Share Transfer Information

Registrars & Share Transfer Agents:
Link Intime India Private Limited
C-101, 247 Park
L.B.S. Marg, Vikhroli (West)
Contact No. +91 22 49186270
Share Transfers
All documents pertaining to share transfers/transmissions, change of address, duplicate/missing share certificates, dematerialization etc. may please be referred to the Registrars and Share Transfer Agents.
Shareholders may contact Ms. Amee Joshi, Company Secretary & Compliance Officer at the Registered Office of the Company for any assistance regarding various issues related to Company’s shares including non-receipt of dividends.
Dematerialization of Shares
As per SEBI Gazette notification no. SEBI/LAD-NRO/GN/2022/66 dated January 24, 2022, shareholders are informed that the Company shall henceforth issue the securities in dematerialized form only while processing the service requests, i.e. issue of duplicate securities certificate, claim from unclaimed suspense account, renewal/exchange of securities certificate, endorsement, sub-division/splitting of securities certificate, consolidation of securities certificates/folios, transmission, transposition.
The claimant shall submit duly filled Form ISR-4 along with the documents/details specified therein. In case of requests other than issuance of duplicate certificate and claim from unclaimed suspense account, the claimant shall provide original share certificate. The Company shall be providing a “Letter of Confirmation” in lieu of the share certificate, which shall be valid for 120 days.
Please scroll down to download Form ISR-4
Furnishing PAN, KYC details, and Nomination
As per SEBI circular no. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD_RTAMB/P/CIR/2021/655 dated November 3, 2021, shareholders are informed that it is mandatory for all shareholders, who have physical Folio(s), to furnish PAN, KYC details, and Nomination. Failing to do so, the respective shareholder’s Folio(s) shall be marked frozen in accordance with the provisions of the said notification. The shareholders are requested to link their PAN and Aadhaar cards before submitting the KYC, failing which, the same shall be considered invalid and the Folio(s) shall be marked frozen in accordance with the provisions of the said notification. Shareholders are requested to use the below forms.
Please scroll down to download the below-listed documents:
- ISR-1 – to update their KYC Details
- SH 13 – for Nomination
- ISR 3 – for opting out of Nomination
- SH 14 – for cancellation or variation of Nomination
The ISIN of Heubach Colorants India Limited: INE492A01029
The Registrars & Share Transfer Agents have the necessary connectivity facilities with the Depositories. Those shareholders who wish to hold the shares in dematerialized form are requested to send the share certificates for dematerialization (through the Depository Participants) to the Company’s Registrars & Transfer Agents at their office Vikhroli West, Mumbai for necessary action.